Today is our last full day in Beijing.  I really cannot believe that it is here already.  The first few days were kind of slow due to the jetlag but the last portion of the trip has literally flown by.  I am writing m blog earlier than usually because we have a good deal of down time this afternoon with no company tours or tourist attractions to see.  This morning I gave my final presentation for Plus3 and I believe it went very well.  Our job was to construct a new product after all of our experience in Beijing the past few weeks and explain how it could be used.

Many different groups came up with great ideas but I really believe my groups project was great.  The four of us (Me, Hilary, Andrew, Matt) came up with a program to help resolve traffic problems in Beijing.  ON e thing that we realized over the course of our two weeks here is that getting to work or simply anywhere can be a huge hassle.  There are so many different ways to travel in the city of Beijing but which way is truly the best for you?  We came up with a mapping program that allows customers to have a personalized GPS.  The system takes into account current traffic, the different modes of transportation, and much more personal travel information.  The difference between our product (Navatech) and a normal GPS is that the program really gets to know you.  By saving routes and knowing detailed information about your traveling log, the system can easily help someone make a decision on how is the best way to get to work.  Our program will allow people to decide if they want time efficiency or cost efficiency when traveling in a large metropolitan area. 

The presentation went smooth and Dr. Goa really seemed to like the idea.  It is somewhat a spinoff of Google Maps, but we were really proud with the product idea we came up with and our presentation.  It is the afternoon now and I am about to grab lunch in the recreation center here at the hotel.  I am unsure about my plans for the rest of the day but I suspect getting to bed earlier with such a long day of travel tomorrow.  I really want to take in this last few hours we have in Beijing before we say goodbye tomorrow morning.  This has been such an amazing trip. I am still shocked I am sitting here in China.  Somehow it all seems so much like a dream.